Keeping everyone warm and toasty in winter, and cool in summer has never been easier with MyPlaceIQ.

With standard air-con, you’re at the mercy of the seasons.
When you get an air-conditioning system, you want to make sure it keeps you warm in winter and cool in summer. However, standard air-conditioning systems use a central thermostat to identify when the home has reached the set temperature. The problem with this is that every house has cooler and warmer rooms, depending on their position in relation to the sun. So, while the thermostat says the house is at 23°, the room that gets the most sun might be getting close to 28°, and that’s not comfortable at all.
Best customer service ever
Thank you very much Advantage Air for our smart Air Conditioning system - MyAir - on MyPlace system. The Garage Door is now connected to the MyPlace system and we can open it and close it - open it for parcels and deliveries all straight from our smartphones. We are definitely coming back to have the Doorbell and Video Camera all connected to the same MyPlace system! Thank you Advantage Air for simplifying our lives and making our home a smart home indeed!
Alice and Dereck
Adelaide, SA
When seasons change, MyPlaceIQ super smart air-con stays the same.
MyPlaceIQ has Individual Room Temperature Control, which zones each room in the house separately with their own individual temperature sensors. This means that each room reacts to the weather, keeping the sunny rooms cool in summer and the colder rooms warm in winter. You’ll never be at the mercy of the seasons again.
Get MyPlaceIQ
Make your home super smart
Enjoy ultimate home comfort all year round with MyPlaceIQ, which adapts to your area’s weather to ensure you will never come home to a freezing cold or boiling hot house again.